Project Highlight

Project Summary

A robust, modern update

SafetyHQ (formerly HarnessUp) is an enterprise application to help construction companies and their crews in adhere to safety protocol. The app helps crews record incidents, streamline safety programs, track equipment, projects and other resources, fill out forms, and ultimately keep the men and women maintaining our society's infrastructure safe.

After being acquired by Foundation Software, they were renamed to SafetyHQ in an effort to create the HQ Suite; a total back office solution for construction companies. Foundation wanted to rebuild SafetyHQ to move away from the original Wordpress build for the sake of performance & reliability, and to bring the UI into alignment with the HQ Suite.

Learn more about SafetyHQ




Design Systems
Rapid Prototyping
User Experience Design (UX)
User Research
User Interface Design (UI)
Responsive Design

Project Highlight

The Why

Building a bigger, better SafetyHQ

Foundation would constantly receive negative feedback from clients about long build times, page-load times and unreliable performance. Despite being a client favorite with a retention rate of 93%, the product had critical issues that couldn't be avoided.

Originally built on Wordpress and utilizing the Gravity Forms plugin, SafetyHQ lacked a dedicated back-end database. The solution was to rebuild the whole thing from the ground up. We had two opportunities here:

  1. Build a more reliable back-end
  2. Finally bring the SafetyHQ UI into the HQ Suite paradigm

Project Highlight

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The Effort

Building off of the current foundation

We had already undertook building the HQ Suite design system, and mocking up SafetyHQ screens was the perfect opportunity to test and iterate on components.

We standardized components like cards, page headers, detail page data and filter slide-outs.

The current desktop navigation contained action buttons as well as navigation links, so we decided to split them up to avoid confusion and create intentional, dedicated spaces to elements.

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Project Highlight

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The Result

Successfully bringing SafetyHQ into the fold

SafetyHQ was successfully brought into the HQ Suite's current UI paradigm with this redesign. All HQ Suite products now use the same design system to create a true family of products to take to the market.

Clients are now able to have their accounts updated with large swaths of data without other clients performance being affected, all while using a new and improved interface.



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